Why i18njs? Flexible simple internationalisation for web-apps

  • i18njs is simple. See the HelloWorld example below.
  • i18njs is powerfully flexible: it can handles variables, plurals and gender.
  • i18njs is free & open-source, using the commercially friendly MIT license.
  • The i18njs portal makes it easy to collect text needing translation/localisation, then deploy the translations.

Get Started: Hello World

	<!-- Only 1 dependency: jQuery -->
	<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.min.js"></script>

		var i18n = new I18N('fr', 'myapp_fr.csv', '#myapp');
		// You'll need a tab-separated csv file of translations.
		// The #tag is optional -- it's for logging missed translations to the i18njs portal.
		var bonjour = i18n.tr('Hello');
	<!-- Or we can use jQuery to pick out text to translate -->
	<span class='i18n'>From English to French</span>

Assuming your .csv file defines the translations, this will display as:

Bonjour De l'anglais au français

Try it now: HelloWorld.html in French

Documentation (or JSDoc)

See the annotated source code, the JSDoc or examples for details.

More coming soon...



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